Oussama Aniba

As a Mobile developer, being creative and a problem solver are the most required skills any customer would be asking for.
Member of the Digital Factory of the 18th biggest harbor in the world Tanger Med, working on facilitating harbor IT solutions
Conflict Resolution
Freelance Missions
Since May 2023
Oreodroid Tangier - Morocco

Recettes Chic App:

  • Democratized Culinary Education: Launched a mobile e-learning platform (Recettes Chic) accessible to aspiring and experienced cooks, offering free and paid courses.

  • Expanded Culinary Horizons: Increased user engagement with diverse cooking techniques, recipes, and cuisines through the Recettes Chic app.

Dapinoccio Restaurant App:

  • Revolutionized Food Ordering: Developed a comprehensive mobile app (Dapinoccio) for seamless food ordering and delivery across the restaurant chain, available for Android and iOS users.

  • Enhanced Customer Convenience: Streamlined the food ordering experience for Dapinoccio customers with features like menu customization, secure online payments, and robust security protocols.

  • Full-Stack Development Expertise: Demonstrated proficiency in full-stack development by managing the backend, frontend, and mobile aspects of the Dapinoccio Restaurant app.

Software Engineer
Since March 2022
Tanger Med Special Agency Tangier, Morocco

As a software engineer, I play a crucial role in developing and deploying cutting-edge technology solutions. My primary responsibilities include: Developed Apps using native JAVA, Kotlin, and cross-platform technologies Flutter/Dart Collaborating with the design team to match clients' requirements collaborating directly with final clients to ensure the expectations of product functionality wrote unit tests to ensure code quality Used MVVM and SOLID architectures to build applications Ensured user's data protection over all existing and newly made applications

Key Achievements:

  • Increased revenue significantly (80% in 2021, 120% in 2022)

  • Reduced port security costs by 70% through innovative solutions

Sample Projects:

  • TracUP: Versatile app for security, safety, maintenance, and transportation.

  • RidUP: Innovative transportation solution for professionals and organizations.

  • TicPay & EzyPay: Cutting-edge payment apps for restaurants, groceries, and gas stations.

  • Visy Offline: Custom harbor security app (Java Spring Boot, Android Jetpack Compose)

Mobile Software Engineer
From April 2020 to February 2022
Psisort Tetouan - Morocco

As the lead mobile developer, I have had the privilege of spearheading numerous projects, primarily focusing on tailored e-commerce solutions for a diverse array of clients, through these ventures, each project has been a testament to my dedication to delivering high-quality, customized solutions that exceed client expectations and empower businesses to thrive in the digital marketplace.

Master degree in Financial Engineering
From October 2013 to July 2018
Sup de Co Marrakech Marrakech
Frameworks and Technologies

Mobile: Kotlin - JetPack Compose - Flutter/Dart - MVVM/MVP/MVI - Clean Architecture - Dagger - Hilt - SOLID - Design Patterns - RxJava - Material Design - Mockito - Espresso
Backend: Java Spring boot - Docker compose - Containerization - Hexagonal Architecture - Kafka - Redis - GraphQL - Postgresql - MicroServices - Liquibase