In charge of the environment team of three artists.
Making an open world with a big city like New York.
Planning, reviews, and tasks, for the environment team.
Implementing and setting the environment in Unreal 5.
Level art and set dressing. Working with terrain, foliage, shaders, BP, PLA, instanced static mesh, Nanite, Virtual textures, and Mega lights.
Creating the environment for the "Transhumance" game prototype.
Modeling/Texturing/Lighting/Shaders/Terrain/Vegetation/Level art.
Main environment artist on the project.
Creating the game environment of "Hawken Reborn" an SI-FI shooter Open world game.
Level art/modeling/texturing/Lighting.
Leading the environment artist team.
Bug testing and bug fixing.
Recruitment / Interviews.
Creating the game environment of "Hawken Reborn" an SI-FI shooter Open world game.
Level art/modeling/texturing.
Helping the junior on the team.
Bug testing and bug fixing.
Testing of all tools used on production, validation of versions, and creation of test plans for new tools.
Centralization and transmission of information to development services via the Jira database.
UAYEB - Purgatory - Episode 2 (PC) (you can ask me for a Steam key)
Creation of an adventure/survival/puzzle/FPS game: (5 first hours)
Game Design, 3D Art, 2D Art, Level Art, Level Design, Sound, Music, Code.
UAYEB - The Dry Land - Episode 1 (PC) (you can ask me for a Steam key)
Creation of a full adventure/survival/puzzle/FPS game in an open world (35 hours of game play):
Game Design, 3D Art, 2D Art, Level Art, Level Design, Sound, Music, Code, Communication, and marketing.
Flashback (PS3, Xbox 360) UBISOFT
Leading the 3D environment artist team & Scheduling
Creating the game environments assets, modeling, sculpting, texturing, UV mapping, materials, shaders, Lighting, FX, Animation of environment, Cinematics, Level art
Project: AMY (PS3, Xbox 360) Lexis Numérique
Creating and building game environments, modeling, texturing,
UV mapping, Lighting, FX, cinematic environments.
Arthur et la vengeance de Malazard (DS, PS2)
Cine Studio (Wii) UBISOFT
Leading the environment 3D artist team, modeling, texturing,
UV mapping, lighting, FX, scheduling, building levels, Level Art.
France, Singapore, Ireland, Canada, USA, UK, Sweden.
France, Ireland, Singapore, Réunion Island, Maldives Islands, Canary Islands, Morocco, USA, Canada, Scotland, England, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria.
Alexandra Lederman - Le haras de la vallée (Wii) UBISOFT
La colline aux chevaux sauvages (Wii) UBISOFT
Creating game environments, modeling, texturing, UV mapping, Lighting, FX.
Scarface (Xbox, PS2, PSP, PC) Radical Entertainment
Swat 4 Expansion (PC) Irrationnal Games
Crash TTR (Xbox, PS2, PSP, GameCube, DS) Radical Entertainment
Swat 4 (PC)
Larry (PS2, Xbox, PC) Irrationnal Games
Ground Control 2 (PC) Massive Entertainment
XFiles (PS2)
Homeworld 2 (PC) HyperBole Studios
Battlestar Galactica (PS2) Warthog
Hunter the reckoning (PS2) High Voltage
Mace Griffin (PS2, Xbox, PC) Warthog
Bloodrayne (PS2, PC, GameCube) Terminal Reality
Casino Empire (PC) Sierra
The Scorpion King (PS2, GameCube) Point of View
Warcraft III (PC) Blizzard Entertainment
Alien VS Predator (PC) Rebellion
Throne of darkness (PC) Click Entertainment
Diablo II Expansion (PC) Blizzard Entertainment
Leading the testing teams (between 6 to 30 people), testing video games content and functionality, reviewing and activating bugs for all languages (EU and ROW), scheduling testing plan.
In charge of the consoles material of the studio.
Half life Blue Shift (Dreamcast) Valve
Gunman Chronicles (PC) Rewolf
Zeus (PC) Impressions
Testing video games content and functionality, reporting bugs in the project database.
Creating 3D environments , modeling, texturing, UV, Lighting, FX on advertisement + web sites creation.
C4 (PC)
3D modeling, texturing, UV, Level building, Composing musical soundtracks & sound effects.
3DS Max / Photoshop / Cryengine
Project Management Training
Leader ship Training
3DS Max / Modeling / UV / Texturing
3d Modeling / UV / Texturing / Animation